Fr    En 
De Boue et de Larmes, 14-18 dans les yeux d’un poilu Itinerancy in France and Germany

A traveling exhibition to remember and pay tribute to the braves


De Boue  et de Larmes, 14-18 dans les yeux d’un poilu


France / Allemagne


Itinerary exhibition


February 2013


Private initiative

Surface m²

200 m2

Scenographic cost € HT

700.000 €

Scope of work

Technical management
Lighting design
Audiovisual and multimedia engineering 
Show control


Scenography : Instant 3D
Set Builder : Prelud
Lenticular picture : Henri Clément
Audiovisual & Lighting Integration : Bernard Freymann

The exhibition presents an exceptional set of stereoscopic photographs (3D photographs) taken in the first lines of each side of the front. The visual power of these photographs supported by an immersive a unique experience: a journey through time to discover the appalling reality of the 1914-1918 Great War.

Moved form to the cozy atmosphere of a Belle Époque living room to a trench bunker, the visitor discovered the conflict through the eyes of the men who fought ...
A visual and emotional shock ...

The exhibition received the label of the Interministerial Mission of the Centenary of the First World War and is therefore part of the official program of the commemorations.

scenography offers visitors