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Le Camp des Milles

Contest for the development of the Camp des Milles, which was home to so many people doomed to deportation and death. 


Le Camp des Milles


13547 Aix-en-Provence, France


Permanent exhibition


2006, Competition, Second Laureate


La Fondation du Camp des Milles - Mémoire et Éducation

Surface m²

4.500 m2

Scenographic cost € HT

5.000.000 €

Scope of work

Technical management
Lighting design
Audiovisual and multimedia engineering
Show control


Scenography : Atelier Confino
Mandatory architect : Atelier Lion
Curator : Alain Chouraqui

Atelier Confino created a vibrant dialogue between the building itself (former Lafarge cement factory) and its tragic history.
The Site-Memorial was conceived, mainly for young people, not only as a museum of history and a place of preserved memory, but also as a space of heritage and artistic culture and as a "museum of ideas", an innovative laboratory in its content as in its educational devices.

Thus, for the first time in the world, the Camp des Milles Memorial Site provides, on a place of remembrance, multidisciplinary reference points and keys to understanding that can help us to be vigilant and to react in time in the face of identity-based tensions and extremism.