Familistère commissioning for two shows
Le Théâtre du Miroir
and the heritage swimming pool.
Multimedia equipment update for the mirror theatre and reactivation of its immersive show. Update of the audiovisual equipment and lighting for the entire museum.
The following missions have been engineered and carried out:
Complete automation of the Théâtre du Miroir show broadcast in three languages. This immersive show includes a lighting system in the house and a large video projection on the screen located on the stage. The audience is filmed by a rear camera located in the technical control boot and by a second camera, capturing the front of the audience, located on the middle of the stage.
The audience filmed in this way is then "incrusted" in different scenes of the show. 6 sound tracks are synchronized with the event.
The same technical equipment, sound, video, audiovisual, lighting and stage machinery, are assigned to the Théâtre du Miroir's show, to events and to theatrical activities. The choice of formats, languages and other assignments is made by the staff from a touch pad.
Fifty monitors and their servers (all networked) have replaced the outdated equipment of the 4000 m² exhibition rooms. A new lighting system, which includes some 250 sources of different types, has been put into service.
Le Familistère de Guise est un musée de site habité consacré au Familistère et aux utopies concrètes. Il s'étend sur un domaine bâti et non bâti de plusieurs hectares. Le Familistère de Guise est un musée de France. Ses édifices sont classés aux Monuments Historiques. Après l’extension du parcours muséal dans le pavillon central en 2014, les salles d'exposition occupent aujourd'hui plus de 4000 m2 dans les économats, dans l'ancien appartement de Godin situé à l'aile droite du palais, dans la buanderie-piscine, au théâtre et le pavillon central. Le Familistère de Guise est devenu l'un des premiers établissements culturels de la région Hauts-de-France.
L'ambition du Familistère à travers ce projet est d'accroître dans les années prochaines son rayonnement, régional, national et européen.