Lighting design for Europe, America and Renaissance's rooms of the MONTE CARLO CASINO
Dynamic and colorimetric lighting of three heritage rooms.
Lighting design for Europe, America and Renaissance's rooms of Monte Carlo Casino
Casino de Monte Carlo, Principauté de Monaco
March 2019
Société des Bains de Mers, Monaco
Surface m²
1.725 m2
Scenographic cost € HT
1.200.000 €
Scope of work
Lighting desing Project management
Supply, implementation and programming of lighting
Rigging engineering : Slight Energy system Sarl
Electrician : Mes Monaco
Metal & Glass solution : ClaudioPinto
In order to make the technical installation as invisible as possible in heritage spaces , a metallic hoop of 14 m in diameter, manufactured to measure, was leaned against the perimeter of the main ceiling rose. Its U-shaped profile accommodates all wiring and drivers. It is painted in the RAL gold color of the room. The installation is rigged 12 m high.
High performance SORAA led engines have been choosen .
The RAAT and RAMO projector's houses have been transformed in order to be integrated in the hoop. More than 500 indexed sources are used. The light is controlled under B2P/DMX protocol, programmed and restored by a Pharos Architectural Controls. Specific lighting fixtures have been developed for 7 types of game tables.
Casino de Monte Carlo management wanted to unify the Europe, Renaissance and America rooms. "Lack of relief, the chandeliers have a strong luminous intensity, little contrast or hierarchy in the enhancement of the period decorations, no strong scenario. The concept proceeds from the highlighting of a large number of particular points of the architecture and heritage elements by punctual touches of light. The touches sculpt the volumes and give relief by contrast.
A series of dynamic recorded sequences with colorimetric variations, corresponding to the hours of the different activities of the Casino, are automatically restored 24H/24.