ScienceScope UNIGE
At university of Geneva scientists use interactive audiovisual technologies in their classrooms to inspire careers.
ScienceScope de l’Université de Genève
Faculty of Sciences UNIGE, Geneva, Switzerland
Permanent exhibition interactives classes
November 2021
University of Geneva
Surface m²
800 m2
Scenographic cost € HT
250.000 €
Scope of work
Project Manager
Lighting design
Audiovisual and multimedia engineering
Audiovisual production : AnimaViva
Audiovisual integration : Inytium
Scenography : Alphabet
Scientific project managment : Prof Christoph Renner, UNIGE,
Architect for scenography : LLTT
Set Builder : Le fiere sr Torino
Implementation of various large video projections. Each scientist has the immediate possibility to disengage the projection and to take over with his tablet, his computer and/or university servers.
Construction of a tower composed on two sides of nine 55"
Thin bezel monitors. The synchronized images are reflected from mirrors on the ceiling, floor and walls. It is a call totem that introduces the activities of the different scopes.
Come in ! Observe, touch, experiment!
The University of Geneva wishes to awaken and cultivate a fascination for science among the population, and more particularly among young people, in order to share scientific knowledge and to arouse vocations.
The Scientific Mediation Center of the Faculty of Sciences of the UNIGE, the Scienscope, includes the Physiscope, the Chimiscope, the Bioscope, the Mathscope, the Infoscope and the Terrascope, where researchers lead interactive workshops and conduct original experiments. They offer discovery modules whose themes can be linked to primary and secondary school programs.
The scenography of François Confino aims to present all the activities in progress in the scopes and to make available in an attractive and spectacular way the tools of diffusion left in the hands of the scientists.