The concept propose multiple outdoor and indoor multimedia exclusivities.
These include among others:
8 m lenght interactive
Multiples extreme angle positionned mappings
Augmented reality binoculars sightseeing devices
Holopro, projection
Pepper’s ghost theatre
Holographic projection
Trompe l’oeil monumental painting
Large lighting showcases in ppma
Umbrella audioguide
Audiovisuel’s and lighting automation
The Museum of the Tower of David, Museum of the History of Jerusalem, is located in the medieval citadel known as «The Tower of David», near the gate of Jaffa, the historic gateway to the Old town.
The master plan reflects the major orientations taken by the Museum in the history of Jerusalem. It traces the events of the visit, from the first testimonies of the existence of the city in the second millennium before the common era until the revival of Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Israël.
The Scenography integrates the relationship for the three major religions. From this very rich history to the present day.